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About VoltNow

What is VoltNow?

VoltNow is a business born out of frustration. The frustration of constantly running out of battery power with today’s power hungry electronic devices. At VoltNow, we are combining the latest advancements in battery technology such as wireless induction charging and rapid recharge technology with inspiring design to enable customers to easily stay connected.

While technology in general has grown exponentially over the past decade, batteries seems to be improving at a snails pace. Yet, technology that utilizes batteries heavily continue to evolve at a whirlwind pace. Our need for improved battery life is greater now than ever before. VoltNow was founded to help solve this short term need as well as developing innovative solutions to advance battery technology in the future.

Our mission is simple... to design and develop innovative charging solutions to help customers stay connected.

With most tech marketing, you will often see major advancements with chip speed, screen resolution, storage capacity and software capabilities. Battery life is seldom mentioned and rarely improved upon. We’re still waiting for the next tech product evolution to tout “Battery Life Doubles!” We find that battery life is a critical consideration for customers but tech companies rarely focus effort on battery innovation. 

At VoltNow, we don’t take batteries for granted. We love batteries in all shapes and sizes. There are many new developments on the horizon... formulations with sulphur or magnesium reduce flammability and lower costs, capacitor based batteries provide near instant recharging, wireless induction charging is becoming mainstream. We believe that there will be a charging revolution underway and we want to help lead the way.VoltNow!

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